Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Refund Policy?

There is a $50.00 cancellation fee for any player who withdraws for any reason, this is to cover the non-refundable Football Alberta insurance premium.

Prior to July 1: 100% refunded less the $50.00 non-refundable fee
Between July 1 - September 15: 50% will be refunded, less the $50 non-refundable fee
After September 15: No refunds will be issued
For additional information please reach out to the Registrar:

How do I Pay?

>Payment's accepted are Visa and MasterCard, through our online registration.
>Equipment Deposit is required prior to picking up equipment and is in the form of a posted dated cheque to Nov 30.
>For additional information please contact the Registrar.

Age Categories?

Their age within the calendar year will determine what level you will register them. Novice is flag football; all other age categories are tackle.
Novice- Ages 6,7,8
Atom- ages 8,9,10
Peewee-ages 11,12
Bantam-ages 13,14,15 - they will have to confirm grade.


Novice: Mid-August - October
Atom: August - October, with games usually starting after Sept long weekend.
Peewee: June/August - October, with games usually starting after Sept long weekend. Playoffs in November.
Bantam: June/August - October, with games usually starting after Sept long weekend. Playoffs in November.
There is no football in July!

Practice and Game Schedule?

U9 (Novice) - 1 practice per week starting August, one game per weekend.
U11 (Atom) -2/3 practices per week, one game per weekend.
U13/U16 (Peewee/Bantam) - 3 practices per week, one game per weekend.
Schedule is provided by CDMFA.

Do all age groups play the same rules?

Novice - Flag football 5 vs 5
Atom - Tackle football 6 vs 6, utilizing 1/4 of the football field.
Peewee- Tackle football 9 vs 9 full field CFL rules.
Bantam - Tackle football 9 vs 9 OR 12 vs 12 full field CFL rules.


SCMFA/Wolverines supplies all equipment needed to play including:
helmet, shoulder pads, game jersey, pants, knee pads, belt and game socks.
Item not supplied:
girdle, mouth guard, and cleats.

Girdles and mouth guards are for sale at time of pickup.
SCMFA has a large cleat bin full of gently used football cleats, we encourage parents to take advantage of this.

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