Codes of Conduct
Player Code of Conduct
as a player I will remember that coaches and officials are there to help me and I will show them respect, play by the rules and in the spirit of the game
as a player I will not make or communicate (through email or any other social media) offensive, abusive or insulting remarks toward any other player, official or parent
as a player I will show good sportsmanship, remember that winning isn’t everything and I will acknowledge all good plays / performances - those of my team and of my opponents.
as a player I will not use illegal substances, tobacco or alcohol products.
as a player I will control my temper and recognize that fighting and “mouthing off” can spoil the activity for everyone.
as a player I will act in a respectful manner and not use bad or vulgar verbal or body language and:
do my best to be a true team player and consistently display high standards of behavior.
Parent Code of Conduct
A parent’s expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards other player, officials, managers, coaches and other parents.
as a parent I will exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, never condone violations of the rules of the game or exhibit behavior contrary to the spirit of the rules of the game.
as a parent I will place the well-being and safety of each player above all considerations
as a parent I will not make abusive remarks to any official, player, coach, volunteer or league administrative personnel
as a parent I will respect and show appreciation for the trained volunteers, coaches, officials, managers and trainers and remember that children learn best by example; and
be responsible in ensuring attending guests also abide by the Code of Conduct.
as a parent with a complaint I agree
To respect the formal process of submitting complaints; through the appropriate channels, as identified by my respective association; and,
That my respective association is the first point of contact regarding any formal complaints
All participants in programs sanctioned (i.e. regular season operation of teams/clubs, or Private Camps), organized and/or presented by Football Alberta are expected to demonstrate good conduct and sportsmanship at all times. The game of football provides opportunities to develop strong character traits that will serve athletes well as they become successful citizens, on and off the field of play. Parents and Guardians of Participants have an important role to play in ensuring the positive development of their child’s character and are expected to support the spirit and intent of this Code of Conduct.
At all times, Participants are expected to demonstrate respect for their fellow players as well as all of those involved in the organization and presentation of Football Alberta programs. As important, Participants are expected to demonstrate self-respect. While not an exhaustive list, the following are expectations that Participants should have of the conduct of themselves and others.
- Participants will respect the rules of the game of football as well as any guidelines for behavior (e.g. curfews) as set out by the coaching staffs for all Football Alberta programs including but not limited to representative teams or camps and regular season teams.
- Participants will be punctual and prepared for participation in programs as directed by either the Football Alberta office staff or the coaching staff for the program or their regular season team. Arriving on time and in appropriate dress or equipment is a minimal standard. Players are also expected to be physically and mentally ready to participate to the best of their ability.
- Participants and their parents and guardians along with all coaches and staff will refrain from any conduct that could be considered a form of harassment or which is insulting, intimidating, hurtful, malicious, degrading or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals, or which creates an uncomfortable environment for anyone involved in a Football Alberta program or regular season team.
- Participants and their parents and guardians are expected to respect the directions and decisions of the coaches and staff in association with any program they attend or regular season team they join.
- Participants and their parents and guardians will practice good digital citizenship and refrain from the use of the internet or social media to express criticism of a Football Alberta Event or to express any disagreement they may have with decisions affecting them. This will also apply to their regular season team.
- Participants and their parents and guardians are expected to express any disagreement they may have with decisions affecting them in a manner that is fair to those responsible for making the decision and that is constructive. Specifically:
i) The dissatisfied party will discuss their concern in person with the coach or staff member responsible for making the decision.
ii) If that discussion does not resolve the matter, they will identify themselves and reduce their concern or complaint to writing and deliver it to the office of Football Alberta on a confidential basis.
iii) The dissatisfied party will participate in a process facilitated by Football Alberta to resolve their concern if Football Alberta, in their absolute discretion believes the concern warrants further consideration. - Participants and their parents and guardians acknowledge and agree that if they fail to meet the expectations set out herein, that information may be communicated to third parties who make inquiries regarding the character that the Participant has demonstrated related to Football Alberta programs
All members should be aware that any complaints regarding harassment, bullying, abuse or other maltreatment of players/coaches/officials/administrator should first be attempted to be dealt with at the team/club/association level. For those who do not find a satisfactory resolution to this they are free to access the Complaint Form on the Football Alberta website. The Football Alberta Complaint Committee will be comprised of the Executive Committee of Football Alberta and will meet quarterly to go over any complaints received unless special circumstances dictate otherwise. Their main goal will be to determine the best course of action to resolve the complaint up to and including referring it to third parties such as local police or the Alberta Human Rights Commission. They also reserve the right to refer the complaint back to the local club or association. Complainants who do not feel this issue has been dealt with to their satisfaction will still have the right to refer it to the:
Canadian Sport Helpline
Please note that if this complaint or concern rises to the level of criminal code issues it should be immediately referred to your local police.
Issues such a playing time, position assignments, strategic decisions of coaches, scheduling, and other on-field issues not designated as maltreatment do not rise to the level of consideration of the Football Alberta Complaint Committee and will not be dealt with at that level.
IMPORTANT: All complaints regarding football programs located in education institutions (i.e. high schools and universities) should not be referred to this body, rather to their governing structure (i.e. Principals, Alberta Schools Athletic Association, Athletic Directors, Deans of Faculties, etc.)